Ceremony is a physical vehicle used to ground energy from a higher level, thereby giving it form and greater accessibility to all involved in the ceremony. It is a tool designed to give clarity and form to energy. To accomplish this, we use settings, actions, words, music . . . whatever is appropriate to engage us with all that is.
Ritual expressions of gratitude and reciprocity through ceremony connect us with the spirits of nature and the cosmos, deepening our connection to the web of life. Reminding us that we are not alone - we can express our deep gratitude for all that we have and ask for help and guidance from the unseen realms.
Ritual expressions of gratitude and reciprocity through ceremony connect us with the spirits of nature and the cosmos, deepening our connection to the web of life. Reminding us that we are not alone - we can express our deep gratitude for all that we have and ask for help and guidance from the unseen realms.
Ceremonial Offerings
Despacho ceremonies: Earth and Spirit honoring expressions of gratitude and transformation on Full and New Moon, Solstice and Equinox. Ceremonies to welcome new life, express intention to find relationship/job/home/guidance/signify the closing or ending of a cycle or life experience. Designed to focus and facilitate that strong intention for transformation.
Transition ceremonies for those facing death or those who have passed.
Apacheta building ceremonies - a stone altar in your yard at home that creates connection and healing to the land around you. An apacheta also connects energetically to all other empowered and sacred places on the Earth.
Transition ceremonies for those facing death or those who have passed.
Apacheta building ceremonies - a stone altar in your yard at home that creates connection and healing to the land around you. An apacheta also connects energetically to all other empowered and sacred places on the Earth.